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COVID -19 Update


I've tried to sit down and write this numerous times over the last few days, but in an ever changing world I must admit I have found this really hard to do! I freely admit writing isn't my strong point but wanted to let you know what we are doing.

As you will have seen all over the news, it's going to be a challenging and uncertain period for all of us in the UK and around the world. We would like to thank you all for your support and to let you know how we will be responding to the developing crisis caused by Coronavirus. First and foremost, the health and well being of our patients and staff is paramount, and so whilst we will remain open as usual, we have put into place additional measures to make your visit as safe as possible.

In keeping with current national guidelines we would advise any patient that feels unwell, with any symptoms of COVID -19 or that has had close contact with anyone displaying symptoms, to cancel their appointments. In view of the advice yesterday, I think that if you identify with being in a high risk category, we should wait until the crisis is over before we schedule an appointment, unless its an emergency.

We will be asking you to wash your hands on arrival and also on departure. We have introduced longer appointment times, which gives us plenty of time to carry out your examination, with additional time for hand washing, during various parts of the examination. Everything in the consulting room routinely gets the anti - bac treatment as per stringent industry standards. We have upgraded our normal regime even further by ensuring that any frames handled by you or us will be cleaned before they are returned to the shelves. All non essential items have already been removed from the shop floor.

We ask that unless you need assistance that you attend the practice on your own to minimse the number of people in the building at any one time.

We are closely monitoring updates from Central Goverment, our Professional Bodies and NHS England, and our operation will be governed by their guidelines.

In short we will do all we can to stay open and provide you with the best eye care we can. If have any concerns please drop me a line at To my knowledge at this time I don't think there will be any shortages of contact lenses or solutions but if you wish to order some in advance, please drop me a line.

Stay safe everyone.....


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